Setting Up a Structured Flutter App Using Provider: A Step-by-Step Guide

When structuring a Flutter project that uses the provider package for state management, it's crucial to ensure that your codebase is organized, scalable, and maintainable. Here's a suggested directory structure for a professional Flutter project using the Provider pattern:

|-- main.dart
|-- app.dart
|-- utils/
|   |-- constants.dart
|   |-- theme.dart
|-- models/
|   |-- user.dart
|   |-- order.dart
|-- providers/
|   |-- user_provider.dart
|   |-- order_provider.dart
|-- services/
|   |-- api_service.dart
|   |-- auth_service.dart
|-- screens/
|   |-- home/
|   |   |-- home_screen.dart
|   |   |-- home_viewmodel.dart
|   |-- profile/
|   |   |-- profile_screen.dart
|   |   |-- profile_viewmodel.dart
|-- widgets/
|   |-- custom_button.dart
|   |-- custom_textfield.dart
|-- config/
|   |-- routes.dart
|   |-- dependencies.dart


  1. main.dart: The entry point of the Flutter app.
  2. app.dart: A separate file for the MaterialApp to keep the main.dart file clean. This is where you can set up theme, routes, initial screen, etc.
  3. utils: General utility files like constants, themes, helper functions.
  4. models: Contains data models, typically Plain Old Dart Objects (PODO) that might be used to represent the shape of JSON data, database rows, etc.
  5. providers: This is where all the Providers for state management using the provider package will reside.
  6. services: Services like API calls, database handlers, authentication, etc.
  7. screens: Each screen in the app gets its own sub-directory which might include:
    • _screen.dart: The widget file for the screen itself.
    • _viewmodel.dart: Logic and data that the screen needs, typically using ChangeNotifier.
  8. widgets: Common or reusable widgets for the entire app.
  9. config: Configuration-related files.

    • routes.dart: Defines named routes for navigation.
    • dependencies.dart: If you're using a dependency injection package like get_it, you can set up your service locators here.

When starting a new project, it's often helpful to use code generation tools or project templates to expedite the setup of such structures. This directory structure is just a suggestion; the "best" structure can vary depending on team preferences, project requirements, and other factors.

Creating an entire basic app with every file mentioned is a considerable task, but I'll provide you with a simplified version of each file to get you started. For simplicity, let's say our app displays a list of users.

1. main.dart


2. app.dart


3. utils/constants.dart


4. utils/theme.dart


5. models/user.dart


6. providers/user_provider.dart


7. services/api_service.dart


8. screens/home/home_screen.dart


9. widgets/custom_button.dart (example widget)


10. config/routes.dart


11. services/auth_service.dart (example service)


For brevity, some files such as profile_screen.dart, profile_viewmodel.dart, order.dart, order_provider.dart, and custom_textfield.dart were not included. Also, this is a very basic example, and in a real-world scenario, you'd have more comprehensive logic, error handling, more features, etc.

Remember to include the necessary dependencies (flutter/material.dart, provider, etc.) in each file and to integrate the provider package by adding it to your pubspec.yaml file.