About Ayyaz Zafar

Full Stack Web Developer

Hello and welcome to my professional space! I'm Ayyaz Zafar, a Microsoft Certified Web Developer with a passion for crafting seamless and innovative web solutions. With over 8 years of professional experience in web application development, I have honed my skills to deliver quality work with fast results at a fair price.

My Journey

  • Seniority and Experience: Since January 2010, I have been immersed in the world of web development, evolving alongside the ever-changing technological landscape. My journey has led me from freelance projects to pivotal roles in companies like Echofreelance and Banjaxed Solutions.
  • Educational Background: I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Virtual University, complemented by certifications and courses from prestigious platforms, including Microsoft and Free Code Camp.

My Expertise

  • Languages and Frameworks: Proficient in PHP, Angular, HTML, JavaScript, Python, Node.js and CSS, I specialize in creating dynamic and responsive web applications. My expertise extends to frameworks like Laravel, Next.js, CodeIgniter, Django, Bootstrap, Express.js, Sequelize, Tailwind CSS, React.js.
  • Content Management Systems: Adept in WordPress development, I have a deep understanding of WooCommerce, theme customization, and plugin development.
  • Full Stack Capabilities: From front-end to back-end, my skill set covers a broad spectrum, including advanced JavaScript frameworks like Node.js, and CMS like WordPress.
  • Cloud and DevOps: Experienced in cloud technologies like AWS and serverless architecture, I ensure modern, scalable, and efficient web solutions.
  • Mobile Development: My proficiency extends to mobile app development with Ionic, Cordova, and PhoneGap, ensuring cross-platform compatibility.

My Achievements

  • Professional Milestones: Successfully completed over 100 projects, collaborating with diverse clients worldwide.
  • Client Connect: As the CTO of Client Connect, I've played a crucial role in developing and maintaining their technology stack, demonstrating expertise in Angular, Node.js, and Express.js.
  • Reputation: Consistently recognized for excellent communication skills, attention to detail, and a client-oriented approach.

Connect with Me

Looking to build a web application that stands out? Let's connect! Visit myportfolio and learn more about how we can collaborate to turn your vision into reality.

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