How to Use Multiple GitHub Accounts on the Same Machine


Working with multiple GitHub accounts on the same machine can be challenging, especially when it comes to managing separate SSH keys and repositories. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up and using multiple GitHub accounts on your computer, making your development workflow more efficient and organized.

Understanding SSH Keys

SSH (Secure Shell) keys are a secure method for authenticating your computer with remote servers like GitHub. When you connect to a remote server, the server checks the public key you provide against its own list of authorized keys. If the key you provide matches one on the server, you'll be granted access.

Using different SSH keys for each GitHub account helps you keep your work and personal repositories separate and secure.

Generating SSH Keys

Generate a new SSH key

To generate a new SSH key for each GitHub account, open your terminal and run the following command, replacing "" with the email address associated with the GitHub account:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
1ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

When prompted for a file in which to save the key, choose a unique name and location, such as ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_account1.

Add the SSH key to the SSH agent

To add the newly generated SSH key to the SSH agent, run these commands in your terminal:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_account1
1eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" 2ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_account1

Repeat these steps for each GitHub account you want to add, remembering to replace the file paths with the unique names you chose earlier.

Configuring GitHub Accounts

Configure your first GitHub account

To configure your first GitHub account, create a new file called config in the ~/.ssh directory. In this file, add the following lines, replacing "Account1" with a descriptive name for your first account:

  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_account1
1Host 2 HostName 3 User git 4 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_account1

Configure your second GitHub account

To configure your second GitHub account, add the following lines to the same config file, replacing "Account2" with a descriptive name for your second account and updating the file path to match the second SSH key:

  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_account2
1Host 2 HostName 3 User git 4 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_account2

Test the configuration

To test your configuration, run the following command for each account, replacing "" with the correct Host value from your config file:

ssh -T
1ssh -T

If your configuration is correct, you should see a message from GitHub welcoming you as the user associated with the corresponding SSH key.

Managing Multiple Repositories

Cloning a repository

To clone a repository from one of your GitHub accounts, use the following command, replacing “” with the appropriate Host value and “your_username” and “your_repository” with the correct information:

git clone
1git clone

Pushing changes to a repository

To push changes to a repository, navigate to the local repository folder and execute the following commands:

git add .
git commit -m "Your commit message"
git push
1git add . 2git commit -m "Your commit message" 3git push

Ensure that the local repository is correctly set up to push to the correct remote repository associated with the correct account.

Switching between accounts

To switch between accounts when working with different repositories, simply use the appropriate Host value from your config file when cloning, fetching, or pushing changes.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues when working with multiple GitHub accounts, double-check your config file for typos or errors. Ensure that your SSH keys are correctly generated and added to the SSH agent. Finally, verify that the correct Host value is being used when working with repositories.


Setting up and using multiple GitHub accounts on the same machine doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can seamlessly switch between accounts and manage your repositories with ease. Happy coding!


Can I use multiple GitHub accounts with HTTPS instead of SSH? 
Yes, you can use multiple GitHub accounts with HTTPS by entering your credentials when prompted. However, using SSH keys is more secure and convenient.

Is it possible to use a single SSH key for multiple GitHub accounts? 
While technically possible, it is not recommended due to security concerns. It’s better to generate a unique SSH key for each GitHub account.

How do I remove an SSH key from my GitHub account? 
To remove an SSH key, go to the “Settings” page of your GitHub account, click “SSH and GPG keys,” find the key you want to remove, and click the “Delete” button.

How can I check which SSH key is being used for a specific repository? 
You can check the remote URL of the repository by running git remote -v in the terminal. The URL should include the Host value from your config file that corresponds to the correct SSH key.

What if I need to add more than two GitHub accounts? 
You can easily add more accounts by repeating the steps in the “Generating SSH Keys” and “Configuring GitHub Accounts” sections for each additional account.

Best Practices for Managing Multiple GitHub Accounts

To make the most of your multiple GitHub accounts and streamline your workflow, follow these best practices:

Organize your repositories

Create a folder structure on your local machine that separates your repositories by account. This will help you keep track of which repositories belong to which account and minimize confusion.

Consistent naming conventions

Use consistent naming conventions for your SSH keys, Host values in the config file, and local repository folders. This will make it easier for you to remember which key and Host value correspond to which account.

Leverage Git aliases

Git aliases can simplify your workflow when working with multiple GitHub accounts. For example, you can create aliases for frequently used commands with specific account information, like cloning a repository. To create an alias, run the following command:

git config --global alias.clone-account1 'clone'
1git config --global alias.clone-account1 'clone'

Now, when you want to clone a repository from your first account, you can use the alias:

git clone-account1:your_username/your_repository.git
1git clone-account1:your_username/your_repository.git

Use a Git GUI client

A Git GUI client can help you manage multiple GitHub accounts by offering a visual interface for managing repositories, branches, and commits. Many Git GUI clients, such as Sourcetree, GitKraken, or Tower, have built-in support for managing multiple accounts and SSH keys.

Stay informed

GitHub continuously evolves, and new features or changes to existing features may impact your workflow. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments by following GitHub's blog, attending webinars, or participating in online developer communities.


Managing multiple GitHub accounts on the same machine can be a breeze if you follow the outlined steps and best practices. By organizing your repositories, using consistent naming conventions, leveraging Git aliases, utilizing a Git GUI client, and staying informed, you can work efficiently across all your GitHub accounts.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and the more you work with multiple accounts, the more comfortable and efficient you will become. Good luck, and happy coding!