Shipping Invoice Management System

Shipping Invoice Management System


This Application is developed to manage All data/record of a Shipping Company. 
Following Technologies are used to accomplish this Project:
HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuer, Ajax, PHP & MySQL

1. Codeigniter
2. Bootstrap
Main functions are mentioned Below:
Creating New Invoices, Editing Invoices, Print Previews of Invoices, Signatures on Invoices..

Generating Reports: 
Monthly Reports, Daily Reports, Truck Reports, Income Reports, Invoice Reports, Balance Report

Customers Management:
Store Credit Reports, Store Credit Transactions, Credit Card Transactions

Inventory Management:
Vendors, Purchase Orders, Purchase Reports

Gift Card:
Check Gift Card, Gift Card Balance Management, Gift Card Records, Transaction Reports, Monthly Gift Card Reports

Users Management, User Levels, Database, Auto Email Setup, Sending SMS Service, Company, Zip Codes, Trucks

Banking.. and Much More..

Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System
Shipping Invoice Management System